Stop a moment
stand still
I want to paint
you on my green canvas
I want to see
Deep into the crystal
Tear droplets
That were frozen
In your eyes-
let me paint
The agony of clasping
Dried rivers, burnt forests-
What color do I need
To paint the grief you carry
Under your eyes
In losing a thousand
Five hundred budding flowers-
What brush stroke could draw
The wrinkles on your face,
your quest for freedom-
how can I picture
Your vigor
in graphic movement
Your struggle
for self respect
Pouring into a frozen frame!
Yet your gaze mother,
Sprouts like branches of hope
Exceeding boundaries!
Mother, will my blue strokes
Make you forget your pains
All these years!?
I dip my brush
In red
To mark a brilliant victorious smile
On your face
Mother, I paint you
With my dreams....
(Dawn of Telangana)