About Mukta

“In my ‘soul’ a totally new original form is ripening that ignores all rules and conventions. It breaks them by the power of ideas and strong conviction. I want to affect people like a clap of thunder, to inflame their minds not by speechifying but with the breadth of my vision, the strength of my convictions, the power of my expression”

Friday, October 1, 2010


Mukta [the collective voices] was formed a couple of months back by some Telangana women with varied backgrounds. It was more than necessary because there was no single place exists for Telangana women where they can interact with their fellow people, where they can express their feelings, where they can sharpen their intellectual abilities, simply where they can speak out loud freely in their own tongues.”Mukta”-a Telangana women’s collective for culture studies has formed out of such socio historical context. First and foremost this collective strives to create a space where women from all corners of Telangana can meet and interact with each other. A well equipped library and some intellectual support for the researchers, organic scholars [both women and men] who are interested in issues relating women and adivasi studies can be facilitated through this collective. Publishing every year at least one work from Telangana region relating literature, art, nature, women & adivasi studies is one of the main agendas of Mukta. Organizing  a little theatre group for women, conducting monthly lecture lunch-ons by well known scholars, poets, writers from all across the country is another task to which mukta committed to do. Mukta wants to create a space where art& literature, humanities& humane experiences, Life& drama complement each other in order to bring self esteem to our identities, self sufficiency in our lives. Simply for us “the movement, the rhythm is everything, the goal is nothing”. Mukta is a registered group   [jayasree foundation for culture studies] run by individuals & by families personal level support. Our monthly activities include the monthly lecture on a selective topic & a discussion on a book selected for reading by members themselves. Discussions with the author, literary scholars ‘inputs, poetry recital& gazal singing are also scheduled as part of our   regular monthly meetings.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Mukta to the E-World. Keep going at great pace. My Best wishes with you always.
