About Mukta

“In my ‘soul’ a totally new original form is ripening that ignores all rules and conventions. It breaks them by the power of ideas and strong conviction. I want to affect people like a clap of thunder, to inflame their minds not by speechifying but with the breadth of my vision, the strength of my convictions, the power of my expression”

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Report Submitted to Sri Krishna Committee on " Small Industries in Telangana" by Vimala


Report  Submitted to Sri Krishna Committee on " Small Industries in Telangana" by Vimala.  

You can see the number of Industries which have been in existence before the formation of Andhra Pradesh and their status today. Few interesting points to look for in this report are the

    * Diversity of Small Scale Industries in Telangana and their Employment Generation capability

    * Integration of these industries into Telangana Geography and Culture

    * Farmanas issued by The Nizam about Hyderabad State's contribution towards Industrial Research in IISc, Bangalore

After formation of Telangana State highest priority should be given for revampification of these industries.

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