About Mukta

“In my ‘soul’ a totally new original form is ripening that ignores all rules and conventions. It breaks them by the power of ideas and strong conviction. I want to affect people like a clap of thunder, to inflame their minds not by speechifying but with the breadth of my vision, the strength of my convictions, the power of my expression”

Thursday, March 6, 2014

  I paint you with my dreams

Stop a moment
stand still
I want to paint
you on my green canvas
I want to see
Deep into the crystal
Tear droplets
That were frozen
In your eyes-

let me paint
The agony of clasping
Dried rivers, burnt forests-
What color do I need
To paint the grief you carry
Under your eyes
In losing a thousand
Five hundred budding flowers-
What brush stroke could draw
The wrinkles on your face,
your quest for freedom-

how can I picture
Your vigor
in graphic movement
Your struggle
for self respect
Pouring into a frozen frame!
Yet your gaze mother,
Sprouts like branches of hope
Exceeding boundaries!

Mother, will my blue strokes
Make you forget your pains
All these years!?

I dip my brush
In red
To mark a brilliant victorious smile
On your face
Mother, I paint you
With my dreams....

(Dawn of Telangana)